Economic Update: New Hampshire, New England and the U.S.

Join us on the Zoom stage for Economic Update: New Hampshire, New England
We will begin at 4:00 p.m. with a half-hour of networking via Zoom breakout rooms. Participants will be randomly placed in smaller breakout rooms which will rotate a total of three times so that you get to network with other members.
About Our Topic: During this presentation, Dr. Zhao will give an overview of regional economic conditions, including employment and unemployment; home price changes; inflation; consumer confidence; as well as short- and medium-term economic outlook. He will also discuss the disparate impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on industries, workers, and businesses. Time will be included for your questions.
Advance Zoom registration is required for this event. Please click the following link and provide the information requested. It will provide you with the Zoom login information.
About Our Presenter: Bo Zhao is a senior economist at the New England Public Policy Center in the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Research Department. He joined the Boston Fed in 2005. He specializes in public finance and urban and regional economics. Zhao earned his PhD in economics and his MS in applied statistics from Syracuse University.
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Questions? Please click here to email Matt Gatzke or call at 602-228-1231.
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