Council Networking Reception & Dinner with Speaker: The Outlook for the New Hampshire and National Economies in 2025
Join us on Wednesday, November 13 at the Manchester Country Club for a look at what the future may hold for the economy both here in NH and for the Nation.
Presenter: Brian Gottlob, Director, NH Economic and Labor Market Information Bureau
• Don’t panic because of July & August U.S. job reports or Fed’s 50 BPS rate cut
• The odds of a recession remain low but have risen – risk of policy missteps and from
external events are rising
• Confidence is unrealistically soft, but consumer spending is holding up as wages have
been rising faster than inflation
• Businesses are still hiring…albeit more cautiously
• Layoffs remain low by historical standards
• Demographics and related labor constraints are the greatest challenges to regional
• Job growth
Guests are welcome at $50 per person and they can be registered when members register themselves.
Dinner RSVPs are now being accepted using the Register Now button below. RSVP Deadline is
November 6.