Emerging Developments in Gift & Estate Tax ... Exploring Proposed Legislative Changes ... Joint Meeting with NH Society of CPAs, Council Annual Meeting & Election

Date: Wednesday, May 12, 2021
Time: 4:00pm - 5:45pm
Location: On Zoom
Speaker: Eileen Sherr, Director - Tax Policy & Advocacy of the Association of International Certified Professinal Accounts (AICPA) and Justin Ransome, National Tax Partner of Ernst & Young's Private Client Services Practice

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Join us along with members of the NH Society of CPAs on the Zoom stage for Emerging Developments in Gift & Estate Tax ... Exploring Proposed Legislative Changes

We will begin at 4:00 p.m. with a brief networking session via Zoom breakout rooms. After networking the council will hold a brief annual meeting and election of leaders for 2021-2022. Council members may view the slate of officers and directors by clikcing this link.   Before our featured speakers, we will also hear remarks from NH Society of CPAs CEO, Robin Abbott and out-going Council President Joyce Skaperdas, as well as from our sponsors. 

About Our Topic: Join us as Eileen Sherr, Director - Tax Policy & Advocacy of the Association of International Certified Professional Accounts (AICPA) and Justin Ransome, National Tax Partner of Ernst & Young's Private Client Services practice lead us in a discussion on proposed legislative changes in estate and gift tax. Time will be included for your questions.    

Advance Zoom registration is required for this event. Please click the following link and provide the information requested. It will provide you with the Zoom login information. 


About Our Presenters: 

Click here to learn more about Eileen Sherr

Click here to learn more about Justin Ransome


Thank you to our event co-sponsors, Silverstone Living and Granite Investment Advisors.  


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